Tuesday 11 January 2011

Radio Advert Script

I have finished a draft script which I will use for my radio advert project. I originally had an idea of using newsagent sound effects such as a till ring, customers chatting and door bells perhaps, this idea was inspired during my analysis of other radio adverts, I particularly took features from 'The Sun Newspaper' advert. During writing a script for this idea, I began to think about how my target audience would react and I figured that may be my idea would be less interesting to 16-24 year old's.

I then began thinking about other ideas and came up with the following including minimal features of a newsagent;


An upbeat song opens the advert, fading from low to medium.

A cash register SFX opens the ad as an echoing voice quotes;

The Daily One.

Alternate voices read out the following features of the paper.

-What’s The Daily One?

-Well, It’s Your Daily News

[Cheering SFX] Your Fix of Sport

Your Challenging Puzzles

[Whispering SFX] Your Local Gossip

Your Guide to TV

[Paparazzi Cameras SFX] Your Peek at Celebs

Your chances to win Big! [Party Horn SFX]

[Backing music rises slightly]

One City

One Paper

One News

This is…

The Daily One (Cash Register SFX)


My idea features modern music and effects such as the echoing voice, which will be useful for attracting the young audience which my paper aims at, I also think the sound effects will add interest to the ad and will keep the audio process entertaining. The cash register SFX alerts listeners that the paper is available at shops. I have decided to raise the music volume towards the end to add emphasis on the tag line and then the upcoming full title, re-quoted by the original speaker. I repeated the use of the word 'Your' to apply the feeling of the buyers having the power when buying the paper.

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