Tuesday 7 December 2010

Radio Advert Research

Below are four radio adverts that I have found on 'YouTube'. I came across much difficulty when attempting to find radio adverts for newspapers so I looked into other radio adverts which I can use to analyse the techniques used.


This radio advert is a campaign against fighting HIV / Aids. The advert is read by football player, Rio Ferdinand. The use of using a famous sports star will increase the effect it has on younger listeners, preferably the same listeners who belong in the target audience in which STD worries are a concern.
The up-tempo music in the background will affect the same age range by grabbing their attention rather than someone of an older age.


This advert conveys the 'Don't Run The Risk' concern.
To make itself effective, the speaker asks the driver (assuming the listeners are currently driving, also aiming at drivers) three questions. This technique will allow the advert to become interactive and therefore more efficient by involving the listeners to the ad.


The advert is for the restaurant; Nando's.
It is very entertaining and effective as the speaker has a Mexican accent. This not only gives the advert an interesting take, but advertises the type of food sold at the restaurant. It is clear that voice and accent become important in advertising.


The last advert I analysed is advertising book tokens in 'The Sun' newspaper. The advert has a very interesting number of techniques which advertise it's product well.
The sounds used in the background make out that the scene is happening in a newsagents which is useful for setting the location in which the product can be purchased.
There are also several other sounds featured in the background, such as the rustling of paper and the sounds of children. The effect this has on listeners will inform them on the outcome of buying the tokens; helping children in school.

I understand from listening and analysing the techniques used in these adverts that there are many important features to consider before creating a radio advert. I have to consider the sounds and voice used to be able to attract my specified audience. As there is no visual aspect, the radio advert must get its point across within the 30 of 60 second take it has using only sounds. I will begin to plan my own radio advert by writing a draft script including as much detail as possibe (music, voices ect.)

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