Monday 6 December 2010

Poster Planning

Simple Design

Created on a blank white background, a giant number one exact to the letter ‘O & 1’ in the masthead, will be placed in the middle, in red and black. Below, in the remaining space, I could include the tag line from below the newspaper masthead or maybe include a new statement that invites the readers.

I have tried this idea, however, the basic theme is far too basic for what I tried out and I have begun to re-think this over, seeing what I could add or what other designs I could try.

Image Design

Another idea could include a photograph which includes my newspaper, maybe a member of public carrying it or of it being picked up by a member of public.

Montage Design

Similar to the Echo adverts, it would be interesting to include a variety of photographs relating to Liverpool, to attract the local public who live in the city. People may recognise the images portrayed on the poster and be able to relate to them simply because of their hometown location.

Cartoon Idea

Another idea came to mind during my analysis of the Metro posters. I thought about having cartoon humans carrying a real image of my newspaper, it will create an entertainment effect and also will allow the newspaper stand out. It will also generally affect the younger age range of my target audience.

I will also include the tag line featured on my front page;

"One City, One Paper, One News."

Below are some of my drafts, the start of my planning.

The left image will feature an image at the top, covering almost half the page. I have not yet decided what the image will be but am still thinking. Under the image will be a statement relating to the picture, maybe a joke or a pun. Under the statement will be the 'Daily One' logo to clearly portray the item being advertised. Below that, the tag line feature on the front page.

The right image is very basic and simple and will feature a lot of colour in the tag line. My concern for this draft will be that there is very little on the page, however, it's basic design could increase attractiveness and increase the effect of catching the eyes of the audience as less is more.

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