Thursday 21 October 2010

First Draft: Front Page.

I finally decided on which layout to use for my front page.

(Refer to post: Focus Group: Potential Layouts - Layout 2)

However, the image shown for 'Layout 2' was changed during the construction of my first draft, as I didn't like how it was displayed. This is my first draft, which portrays my new layout and also my chosen stories and adverts. Some of my images are lifted, from the Internet, however, as I have not yet taken pictures, it was useful for drafting, I will not use lifted images in my final construction.

Masthead: Although I have not currently constructed a masthead, I have used just a red rectangle to display the location of where is will be.

Small Ad: The small square advert located at the top right of the page, will be a Christmas related advert. I have decided to do this as I have chosen my current newspaper to be released in the upcoming weeks to Christmas. Using a Christmas advert would be useful for attracting readers as Christmas will be a main topic on their minds. I have currently used a lifted image of another Christmas related advert to help construct my draft.

Small LFC/EFC Blurb: In my questionnaire, the results told me that not everyone wanted sport, however some did. I think the small blurb I have added is useful as readers can then decide whether it would interest them enough to turn to the specified page. I have chosen to use two local teams to prevent a biased front page and also to create a rivalry interest. I have not yet decided on a story for this blurb.

Main Story: The main story, takes up most of the space on the front page. In my questionnaire, Film/TV was chosen the most to interest readers. I decided to play around with this idea and write a story about a particular TV star, one which is also local. I have decided that the story would be based around either death, drugs or leaving a TV show. The headline is currently in 'Impact' font. My focus group had chosen another headline font. During my final stages of construction, I will try out different fonts to see which look better on the final product.

Second Story: My second story will be a gig review on the singer; Diana Vickers. The image used is not lifted, and was taken by myself after I went to see her play a gig in the Liverpool o2 Academy. I thought this would be useful as 'Celebs' and 'Entertainment' were some of the choices that were popular throughout my questionnaire, and being able to use a true celebrity would defiantly catch the eyes of her fans and also interested readers. I understand, that if I were a real newspaper editor, I would require permission to use this image.

Third Story: I decided that Facebook would be a useful base topic for my third story. Facebook currently plays an important part in the life of teenagers and young adults. I have not yet decided on a story but my first idea was to write about a disastrous party after a teenager had posted about a small house party. This would be an interesting story and would also send out messages concerning safety using social networking sites.

Main Advert: The main advert currently stands with a 20% sale at River Island, with myself using a lifted image from the Internet. I decided from the start to use a clothes shop advert aimed at both genders, as I think clothes are important in a teenagers life and also, being during the winter, clothes will come to mind yet again.

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