Monday 11 October 2010

Focus Group: Potential Layouts.


I have designed two potential layouts which can be used to construct my final product. I have also asked a series of students aged between 16 and 21 to comment on their likes and dislikes of each image.

Layout One
My first layout, in my opinion, looks like a combined newspaper and magazine, with the main headline covering part of the main image, similar to that of a magazine however, features such as the masthead and adverts share the same layout as a newspaper. I think it is important to use part of a magazine layout as my chosen target audience stereotypically would be more interest in magazine than newspapers.

Focus Group
After presenting 'Layout One' to my focus group, they decided that the 'Main Image' is useful for drawing attention to readers, however, with the size of the 'Main Lead' and also the 'Second Story', there would be too much text compared to the size of the 'Second Story Image'. They would rather read a little bit, and whether it interests them or not, continue reading inside the paper. They also commented on how the headline is in a prominent place, the centre.

Layout Two
For my second layout, I have chosen to use a very genetic layout which is most probably used in many newspapers, with the main image and headline taking up most of the space, and the usual location filled by the masthead and main advert (proven by my analysis of three different papers). Although this would be a typical layout to use, and would create a direct newspaper effect, it may also cause a lack of interest in readers if they desire something 'new' and 'different'.

Focus Group
My group decided that the amount of space taken up for adverts may distract people from reading or buying the paper, however, if the adverts were aimed at the readers, it would increase readership. This is interesting as I may
need to research more into what to advertise to readers. One member, again commented on how the image and headline are in a suitable position and are very eye catching, also noting on how the side stories are not too big and not too small, but give readers a wider spread of reading material.

Layout Three
For my third layout, I have chosen yet another typical newspaper layout however, unlike before I have included a sub-headline and a small box which would contain such things as 'Free With Today's Paper' or 'Inside Today's Paper' etc.

Focus Group
My focus group decided that the 'Free Offer' box is in the wrong place, if it was offering something valuable, in terms of attracting the audience should be placed near the top. They also commented on the Headline and Sub-Headline, noting it took up a vast amount of space of the page, compared to its small related image and lead. However, it's size would catch the eye of readers. The masthead is a in a suitable position and in terms of size is useful for being noticed.

From revising my audiences views on my layouts, they seem to comment more on how images will be more useful than text when it comes to catching the readers eye, also, using centered headlines and images would attract more people and direct them to the main story. It is also clear to include sub stories that do not take up a vast amount of space but also are not too small to be unnoticeable. The use of adverts should be considered as they need to aim directly at my chosen age range, without being biased towards a particular gender. These preferences will be informative to me during my construction.


During my focus group, I asked the participants about contents that would be useful to feature within my first page. I gave a variety of options (as shown below) and have ticked the most popular choices.

  • Main Story (Continued)
  • Secondary Story (Full)
  • Third Story (Full)
  • Newspaper Contact
  • Lottery Numbers
  • Weather Details
  • Horoscopes
By looking at the decisions provided by my focus group, it is clear that the front page should be part-story and part-informative. The group decided that the main story should continue onto a full page to make it's contents more dramatic, therefore, the next best story should be told via the first page. Although it wouldn't take up the full page, the secondary story would take up about half the page, leaving the other half to provide information such as weather, lottery and and contacts. My group decided that horoscopes would take a lot of space and should be featured on a different page.

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