Tuesday 12 October 2010

Research Summary.

After reaching my target date for 'Research', I have managed to gather useful information to begin construction.
Using questionnaires, and the graphed results of the questionnaire, I managed to successfully understand the preferences of young adults in my target audience which is '16-24' when it came to local newspapers.
Understanding the views of the age ranged audience is useful for debating different features that I will consider when creating my newspaper.
I was disappointed when, after a month, I still did not receive any replies to the emails that I had sent, this could have been useful for my research, using professional views and facts.
After analysing a few current local newspapers, I was able to research into features and layouts used in the present day and was able to decide what techniques were popular, which were less interesting and in some cases, decide what is 'missing' from newspapers.
After holding focus groups for my chosen fonts and layouts, I was able to understand the preferences of people in my chosen age range and what interested them more about specific ideas.

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