Thursday 7 October 2010

Focus Group: Fonts & Title

After choosing several of my favourite fonts and titles which I think are appropriate for a newspaper, I created a focus group of three people within my chosen age range to enquire thoughts and opinions. All the participants are 18 years old. I have refered to them as Person A, B and C.
Person A and B are male, C is female.

Person A:
"Headline Three draws you in and seems very different, I don't like Headline one, it's too common and boring"
Person B:
"Headline Four and Six, the eroded look of them gives them more of an urban image"
Person C:

"Five and Six are my favourite, they look like a usual headline font but with a difference, the first two are too plain, they remind me of a boring newspaper which usually bore me anyway, something different would interest me more"

It is clear that Headline Six stands out more and seems to be liked the most by the audience, Although Three, Four and Five were also chosen, these could make potential sub-headlines within the paper.

Person A:
"Top Left and Bottom Right are my favourites. Top left is very different and looks like it's print related anyway, the bottom right is very ordinary but in a different 'casual' way, I didn't like Left: 2nd Down because the lettering size would annoy me, it's like random capitals!"
"Bottom Left would suit a newspaper title aimed at our age because it's very casual and urban like the headlines, and would suit the target audience perfectly"
Person C:
"Bottom Left is very bold and stands out compared to the other fonts, and has that worn out effect on it which is interesting"

It is evident from the above opinions that the bottom left font 'You Are Loved' is the most popular. I will keep this font in mind when constructing my product as I am sure to use it.

Potential Names
I have come up with some potential titles for my newspaper, some include puns, others however, include simple newspaper related titles.
  • LiverNews
  • Huyton Herald
  • Knewsley
  • The One
  • Liverpool Life
  • Huyton Humbug

Person A:
"Knewsley, because it is different and creative."
Person B:
"The One, I think of Liverpool One, which is useful as it is local and interesting at the same time."
Person C:
"Knewsley made me laugh but wouldn't interest me and probably wouldn't interest others my age because Liverpool related titles would suggest city based news, which I'd rather read about rather than just about Knowsley."

From the opinions that I have received, 'Knewsley' and 'The One' stood out the most, Person C, however quoted that Liverpool related titles would suggest city based news and would be more of an interesting read that just Knowsley.

'Knewsley' is a creative pun and creativity is a stereotype of people my age.

'The One', however, sounds catchy and makes the paper sound important and featured, and also considers Liverpool One.

After considering my titles and the preferences of my focus group, I have decided that 'The One' will be my final newspaper title.

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