Monday 13 September 2010


For the process of research and planning, I have decided that I would email various local newspapers as this will evidently provide valuable information which will be useful for my own project. Using the Internet, I managed to gather several emails, these included:

Liverpool Echo

Executive Editor- Andrew Campbell

Head of Content- Maria Breslin


Liverpool Weekly Newspaper Group (Inc. South Liverpool Merseymart)

The Metro

I have chosen these newspapers as I am a current resident in Liverpool, therefore, I can use any information provided to help shape my own project and to fully understand the types of stories used in the local area. By emailing, I can look into how the various articles are chosen and also consider asking about statistics such as target audience.
I also looked into finding contact details for the 'Liverpool Daily Post', however, the contact details were very similar to that of the 'Echo'. My target for my next lesson is to construct a suitable email and send it to the contact details above.

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