Monday 27 September 2010

Questionnaire Results

1. What is your age?

2. What is your gender?

The Results of the gender question luckily left me with an equal amount of participents, both male and female.
3. What would / does attract you to read local newspapers?

Question 3 had many multiple answers to choose from and also left the participents to choose more than one feature of newspapers. As I had multiple answers that varied from one to four per question, I decided to convert the results into the amount each answer was chosen as a percentage. It is clearly visible from the above bar chart that Film/TV was chosen the most, 25% of the time, followed by News at 20%. These two features are evidently the most attractive of a local newspaper and would be useful for attracting my target audience to a new paper. At 15%, Sport, Entertainment and Celeb Gossip, would be useful sub-articles to use in my newspaper.
4. How do you receive current local news?

It is clear that people use the internet to access local news, as it is perhaps more accessible, this information is useful as links to my newspaper's website would be useful to include.
5. What price would you pay for a local newspaper?

It is interesting to see a group of people at this age would pay 25P-35P for a local newspaper, I was expecting that the FREE option would have gained a lot more.
6. Where would be a suitable location to access a local newspaper?

It is visually evident that a Local Newsagent is the automatic location to distribute a local newspaper. Only one chose College/Uni which, based on the age range, is surprising as this location would be a much simpler and easier access point.
7. Do you read any local newspapers?

The Liverpool Echo is the most chosen paper that my target audience read, I have previously analysed the Echo and will use my analysis alot more than my others to help with planning and construction as the Echo seems to attract it's audience well.

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