Monday 13 September 2010

Research and Planning Schedule

13th September – 11th October

Below is a brief schedule for myself to use for the next four weeks. I can use this plan to construct my research and to ensure that I remain focused and organised.

· Send emails to local newspapers, questioning them about any queries I might have such as how they decide what is useful to present in their newspapers and how they aim at their chosen age range.

· Create a questionnaire and distribute it to my target audience asking various questions about their interests and preferences in current newspapers and what they would like to see in an upcoming paper for their age. Also, I will evaluate the results and graph them for use in construction.

· Analyse Local Newspapers, looking at style and layout, researching typical codes and conventions to use or develop in my final project.

· Using a variety of local newspapers, choose a target audience to aim my paper at, maybe what is ‘missing’ from the market.

· Decide on a suitable name for my newspaper and begin thinking about possible articles and images suitable for my target audience. Also thinking about price, colours, language and style.

· Do some 'initial' research into newspapers

· Hold Focus groups containing members of my chosen age range, researching likes an dislikes of my favourite fonts and layouts for my newspaper.

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