Monday 20 September 2010

The Liverpool Echo: Analysis.

Liverpool Echo.

I am analysing the Liverpool Echo Main Extra from Wednesday, September 8, 2010. I have chosen this paper as it is very popular and local in Liverpool. As my local area of interest for my own paper will also be Liverpool, this paper is a very good example to analyse.

The ‘Liverpool Echo’ displays its usual masthead, situated at the top of the front page. Its location allows it to be clearly visible in blue and red, which makes it recognisable for readers and also draws attention. The logo situated on the right of the masthead is the Liver bird, a local symbol of the city and another form of attracting local residents of Liverpool.

The paper displays necessary information such as release date and the price which stands at 49p.

Directly below the masthead, to the left, is the papers usual slogan:

“News/Sport/Life. It’s Happening”

displayed in the Echo’s conventional colours; blue and red. On the current paper, an image from a nearby sub-heading covers the tagline which suggests that current readers of the Echo already understand the contents of the paper, which the slogan indicates.

The headline TUNNEL HORROR is probably the most eye catching title on the front page and will be seen instantly by readers with its bold face and vast font. Below the headline, is a reasonably sized image which shows a chaotic traffic jam directly reflecting the headline’s content. Also below, is a smaller sub-heading providing very little, but informative detail, surrounded in a blue box for another eye catching effect. It then provides a minor black on white column lead to the story, displaying only fourteen lines as it is not essential to cover the full news story for the front page in its attempt to attract readers, it contains a ‘Turn to Page 3’ line to direct readers from the front page to the full news story.

On the right of the front page, displays a black box with BOMB SQUAD ALERT in a yellow font. This colour contrast effect provides an eye catching appearance however; its size composes it as a secondary lead, or aftermath after viewing the main headline and story.

The advert located at the bottom of the front page is in full colour for recognition and is advertising local pawnbroker/jewellers. It effectively targets older readers; mainly adults aged over twenty five. This is evident due to the cost and style of the jewellery being advertised, it does not appeal to a younger audience.

Next I will look at a free local newspaper, such as the Merseymart.

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