Thursday 16 September 2010


I have completed my first questionnaire, it focuses on audience's views on local newspapers, such as whether they read them or not or what they would prefer to be included as articles. The questionnaire is suitable for readers and non-readers of newspapers. Here is a copy of my questions and their multiple choice answers.

1) What is your age?

2) What is your gender?

3) What would / does attract you to local newspapers?

News / Sport / Entertainment / Lifestyle / Events / Adverts / Gossip / Film+TV / Other

4) How do you receive current local news?

Newspaper / Internet / Word of Mouth / TV / Radio / Other / No Interest

5) What price would you pay for a local newspaper?

FREE / 10p-25p / 35p - 45p / 45p - 60p / 60p+

6) Where would be a suitable location to access a local newspaper?

College / Newsagents / Delivery / Social Areas / Other

7) Do you read any local newspapers?

Echo / Merseymart / Daily Post / Metro / Knowsley Challenge / None / Other

8) If you do not read newspapers, why?

Unable to access / Price / No suitable areas / No interest / Other


This questionnaire should provide enough information and views to then begin planning my own newspaper, which should then match my target audience's preferences. I will hand the questionnaire out to the age range; 16-24 which should provide average results.

When I receive my results, I will transfer them into graphs for better visual analysis.

Whilst I dispatch and wait for the results, I will begin analysing current local newspapers for a better understanding of how they present their articles, layout, codes & conventions and style to help create my own project.

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