Tuesday 14 September 2010

Sending Emails

I sent emails to four people concerning how the articles presented in newspapers are chosen to suit the target audience. For my research and planning, I have chosen to analyse the Liverpool Echo, the South Liverpool Merseymart and the Metro. I have sent emails to the executive editor and newsdesk of the Liverpool Echo, one to the newsdesk of the Merseymart and one to the newsdesk of the Metro.

Here are the emails that I have sent;


(Liverpool Echo, Exectuive Editor: Andrew Campbell)


I am currently an A2 Media Studies student in Roby Sixth Form College and have been assigned the task of studying newspapers. As part of my task, I must research and produce my own local newspaper.

I have chosen the Liverpool Echo to research into and analyse and would like to ask you what the target audience is of the paper? Also, how are the front page articles chosen to suit this target audience?

Any information provided will be a great help,

Thanks, Craig.


(Liverpool Weekly Newspaper Group inc. South Liverpool Merseymart, Newsdesk)


I am currently an A2 Media Studies student in Roby Sixth Form College and have been assigned the task of studying newspapers. As part of my task, I must research and produce my own local newspaper.

I have chosen the South Liverpool Merseymart to research into and analyse and would like to ask what the target audience is and how the front page articles are chosen to suit the target audience?

Any information provided will be a great help,

Thanks, Craig.


(Liverpool Echo; Newsdesk)

News desk,

I am currently an A2 Media Studies student in Roby Sixth Form College and have been assigned the task of studying newspapers. As part of my task, I must research and produce my own local newspaper.

I have chosen the Liverpool Echo to research into and analyse and would like to ask how the front page articles are chosen to suit the target audience?

Any information provided will be a great help,

Thanks, Craig.


(Metro: Newsdesk)


I am currently an A2 Media Studies student in Roby Sixth Form College and have been assigned the task of studying newspapers. As part of my task, I must research and produce my own local newspaper.

I have chosen the Metro to research into and analyse and would like to ask what the target audience is and how the front page articles are chosen to suit the target audience?

Any information provided will be a great help,

Thanks, Craig.


I hope to recieve replies as soon as possible to help construct my research. Whilst I wait, I will begin to construct a questionnaire to despatch to my chosen target audience, which is 16-24.

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