Monday 15 November 2010

Constructing Final Pages.

I am currently in the process of constructing my front and second pages. I have not blogged recently as I have been using the time to create the final construction of my pages which have changed from my simple drafts created earlier.

I have almost successfully completed the two pages and will be fully finished very shortly. During my construction, I have taken or used my own pictures to accompany my stories.

Along the process of my construction, I have referred back to several parts of my research and planning to help myself construct accurate pages in terms of my target audience's interest and favour.

I have referred to my drafts and mock layouts in terms of plotting the location of the different pictures, stories and articles etc. I have also referred to my questionnaire which guided me through my decisions on the topics I had chosen for stories.

After completing my pages, I will upload them both as a blog post and explain my reasons for the articles that I have used, their location and things that I may have changed from my previous drafts.

After completing this part of my project, I will then begin to research into Newspaper posters and radio adverts, and then will be able to move on to planning and constructing my final pieces of the project.

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