Monday 29 November 2010

Second Page Final (And Focus Groups)

Second Page - First Draft.
The image to the left is my first draft for my second page. It is evident that the current draft images shows lack of detail, colour and text, purely because it was simply a layout plan, to be used for future construction.
This draft does change as development continues as I held yet another focus group.
I left the space to the left as I firstly thought about adding an advert or another story, maybe a side story.
The weather idea came to me during my planning, although I have not used any weather details in my final product, I used Google's Weather to help plot my draft.
This is my second draft. It is evident that it differs highly from my first. Only the main story and contact box remained the same. I began construction and inserted these two articles first as they were the only two I was confident about.
I decided to make the lottery numbers smaller as I thought they took up a lot of the space at the bottom which contrasted their importance. I moved them to the left as I decided that a full information column on the left would be suitable.
Due to not being able to lift images, I decided that I would leave out weather information as the only possible way I could include it would be provided as text only.
I chose to include a contents box, a 15p off voucher and a mini-story to fill my remaining space. These factors all play a part in creating a suitable second page. During analysis of other second pages, I noticed that content boxes were included in many of them and also mini stories.
I only saw a voucher once in a front page during analysis, but the idea remained during construction.
Focus Group
I held a minor focus group to discuss my current draft.
They agreed that every time the colour blue is used, it is a different shade, and we agreed that they should all share the exact same shade.
We decided that the content box was not using the wrong colours, but was simply using them in wrong way and that it should be a white on red layout.
Finally, it was decided that the font used for the lottery details should be changed to a more modern font to match my corresponding theme.
Changes from Focus Group
To the left is the same image with the minor changes brought up in the focus group.
I changed the colour blue in both the mini story and also the contact box to create a more modern colour theme similar to my front cover.
I changed the contents box to create a similar look as the front covers masthead.
Finally, I applied the same font to all text on the page to link it all together and create an identity for my newspaper.

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