Monday 1 November 2010


Main Story


Topic: TV Star’s house raided after suspicions of drug use.

Why I am using this story: TV stars are seen as idols, it would be a featured eye-catching story, especially for the front page.

The star from ITV’S hit drama ‘Shop Keepers’ has been arrested on suspicion of drug dealing late last night. Matthew Webb, 20, sat alone in his house in Rainhill when Police raided the semi detached building after anonymous witnesses noticed and recorded a suspicious van un-loading as they describe; ‘a few bags of grass’.
Webb denies all charges. However, mobile phone video footage is being analysed to prove eye-witness accounts of what they described as a drug deal. A police spokesman says “Mr Webb is currently in custody and is being questioned whilst a thorough search of the house is to be completed later today.”


I researched similar stories concerning drugs such as this one. I chose to research similar stories as I have little knowledge about investigations of drug crimes.

Second Story (Featured on Second Page)


Topic: Facebook status about house party leads to destruction as unwanted visitors show up.

Why I am using this story: Facebook is very popular among my chosen target audience, it will be a useful topic to attract readers and may also change how teenagers use the social networking site, maybe influencing them to be more careful.


Home destroyed by shock fire after teen announces house party on social networking site; Facebook. 17 year old Lucie Wilde planned a house party at her home in Whiston whilst her parents were on holiday for the week. After details of the party were leaked on Facebook, several uninvited youths trashed the house leading to a major fire before fleeing the scene.

It was several hours before the get-together began that one of Wilde’s friends posted a comment on Facebook revealing details of the party and the fact that her parents were away which she explains she meant as ‘a joke’. A young male, 19, currently in custody denies involvement in the ‘Skins’ style destruction. He claims that they left quietly when asked, hours before the fire started. Wilde claims that around fourteen young teenage males, dressed in tracksuits, gate crashed the party, stealing the alcohol provided for her and friends that night.

Fire crews were called to the scene at 11.30pm to extinguish sudden flames that erupted quickly. No known causes have been discovered yet however specialist investigators will return to the property today as they work to establish the cause of the blaze.

Police suspect that arson is the main cause as Lucie states that several of the teenagers spent time in the bedroom, which is now destroyed, a few minutes before smoke was discovered. Wilde’s parents have been contacted and Lucie is now staying with her sister, 22, who lives with friends in Leeds, until her parents return.

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