Wednesday 3 November 2010

Mastehead Final

I have fully designed my masthead using the title 'One'. Below is the image of my design.

I was influenced by designs, similiar to my own, such as 'The Echo', 'The Mirror' and 'The Star', who also use a white on red template. I stuck to typical conventions as it is a very eye-catching design and would be useful for attracting readers. I added black coloured dupicates behind each letter to create a shadowed effect for more impact.

My influence for the letter 'O' came from when I analysed the 'Echo', I learnt that having a logo (In the case of the 'Echo'; It was the Liverbird) creates an identity for the paper and makes it more recognisable. If my paper's name needed to be shortened for any case, using the letter 'O' with the '1' inside would still be able to portray the papers name and can also be used as a logo.

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